BY TIMMY BASIL  LAST Saturday, I had a chance to meet the 3 Filipino delegates for Mister Pancontinental International 2023 to be held on April 3-8 at Dalat, Vietnam namely MARK RUBIN AGAS who will compete for Mister Pancontinental International 2023, MELODY ZINGAPAN for Miss Pancontinental International 2023 and GJ CARLOS for Mister Teen Continental International when they guested at Whattawhatta  show at Eurotv hosted by Kuya Boying.  
The 3 were handpicked by Mister & Miss Pancontinental-Philippines headed by Sir Arnold Baculi.        I want to interview them but our program in Eurotv (Sikat Noon, Sikat Ngayon) with Lito de Guzman is next .        I knew GJ Carlos because I interviewed him  in 2019 when he launched his first single Crush Back. Yes, GJ is a singer and you will be surprised later.      Luckily enough, Mr. Baculi send me a message to interview the 3 and our meeting place was in Starbucks in front of GMA 7 held last Sunday.        And here are the facts I gathered from then during the interview
MELODY ZINGAPAN, A BANK TELLER .. SOLO LIVING       FOR quite some time now, Melody Zingapan lives  alone.She left their home and became independent.       She lives in solitude so that she can focus on her work and  . She's a bank teller and a contestant in Miss Tuguegarao , Cagayan (her hometown) last year.  
Melody was so delighted when she was handpicked by the organizer. Until now that the pageant is fast approaching , she never told her parents that she will be representing  the country in April. "But perhaps, our neighbors has already Maritesed to them (Marites means a person who's fond of relaying   news or gossips) she said.       As part of her preparation for the big day, Melody is working very hard on her pasarela, making sure that she is physically fit during the pageant and try to figure out the possible questions  during the Q and A.       When asked if there will be a talent portion, Melody said "there is" and she will be performing a Hawaiian dance.       As for her national costume and gowns to be used, as early as now, her designer has readied already and she is very excited  to see them when she returns to her province, in Tuguegarao soon.      Goodluck Melody and please bring home the crown.
MARK RUBIN AGAS, THE MOST EXPERIENCED      AMONG  the three, it can be told that Mark Rubin Agas is the most experienced when it comes to beauty pageant. Although he doesn't want to be call "veteran" in beauty pageant because .. "I still have some flaws and I joined a few  pageants only ," he admitted.   < I asked Mark if he has done some research about Vietnam since it is important to know a little information about the host country. "Definitely, it comes next ."      For now, Mark's attention is focus on physical and mental preparation .        This writer noted that he has a resemblance to the son of former Philippine President, Joseph Ejercito Estrada and I am referring to Jake Ejercito who is now carving his own name in showbiz.       "Actually, you're not the only one who said that .. almost everybody. And I'm from Tondo, who knows, Erap is my father (laugh).     Kidding aside, Mark has really the making of an actor if he wants to after his pageant in Vietnam.  
Is he ready to show his body since almost all newcomers now do the same thing especially now that the online flat form like Vivamax and AQ Prime takes supremacy in this kind of genre.   "I don't think so because , many people  told  me that my face is not sexy, it's  innocent,"he visualized.       "But , hey ... innocent-looking face gives more excitement , it titillates the mind of the viewers, hahahahaha," I insisted.    Anyway, win or lose, I am sure that Mark will go a long,  long way on the field he wants to be part of ... and showbusiness is not an exemption. 
GJ CARLOS, A YOUNG ACHIEVER Unlike Mark Rubin Agas, CJ Carlos is not joining the Mister Pancontinental International 2023, he will join the Mr. Teen Pancontinental Category. Among the three, CJ has no experience in joining beauty pageant, even in his elementary and high school days. Do you know that in 2017, CJ represented the Philippines in the WCOPA (World Championship of Performing Arts ) where he won 3 silver medal? In short, this is second time for him to represent the Philippines this time in pageant, not singing. Yes, GJ is a singer and you can check all his performances in his social media accounts. GJ is very thankful to the organization for choosing or appointing him to represent the Philippines. For now, GJ is focus on his walk (pasarela) and physical conditioning. Then he will study simple Vietnamese words which is very vital for a contestant. Since this pageant has a talent portion, I asked GJ if what talent he will showcase since this boy has a lot of talents, but he said that he will be singing.
What song? Hmmm... Just a spoiler. He will be singing a Michael Jackson song. Meanwhile, when it comes to the costumes for the pageant, CJ is so relax since his father, Avery John Canto Palad is a designer and a boutique owner . Anyway, goodluck GJ and I said to him that he will win the Mister Teen Pancontinental Title. Why? I just feel the vibe and I guess I have third eye that needs to be utelized, hahahaha.


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